The node power control features are controlled by 2 plugin types or frameworks: 1. BMC Remote Access; default is a plugin using the ipmiutil command line tool. 2. OS Remote Execution; default is passwordless ssh to the root account on the remote OS to execute the shutdown command.

New plugins can be written to replace these plugins.

3.2.1 BMC Python Interface

class Bmc(object):
    ""Interface class for bmc classes."" 
    def __init__(self, options=None):

    def get_chassis_state(self, remote_access_object):
        ""Get the current chassis state for a node.""

    def set_chassis_state(self, remote_access_object, new_state):
        ""Set the target chassis state for a node.""

These methods return a Boolean value. For get_chassis_state the Boolean is True = chassis on or False = chassis off. For the set_chassis_state method, the Boolean denotes execution success (True) or failure (False).

3.2.2 OS Remote Access Python Interface

class OsRemoteAccess(object):
    ""Interface for remote process execution.""
    def __init__(self, options=None):

    def execute(self, cmd, remote_access_data, capture=False, other=None):
        ""Using address and credentials, execute the cmd remotely.""

The return value of the execute command is a pair of values (return_code, captured_stdout). The return code of 0 signifies success. Any other code is failure. If the capture parameter is False then the captured_stdout should be the None Python object.

3.2.3 PDU Interface

class PduInterface(object):
    ""Interface class for bmc classes.""
    def __init__(self, options=None):

    def get_outlet_state(self, remote_access_object, outlet):
        ""Get the current chassis state for a node. Returns 'On' or 'Off'(Case insensitive)""

    def set_outlet_state(self, remote_access_object, outlet, new_state):
        ""Set the target chassis state for a node.""