Building and Installation


  • pip "The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages"

Build and install actsys from the source:

  1. Download and extract the source code.
  2. In the source code directory, go to datastore directory, run sudo python sdist. This will produce a dist directory which contains the file ctrlsys_datastore-<version>-tar.gz. This file can be installed using the command sudo pip install ctrlsys_datastore-<version>.tar.gz.
  3. In the source code directory, go to ctrl directory, run sudo python sdist. This will produce a dist directory which contains the file ctrl-<version>-tar.gz. This file can be installed using the command sudo pip install ctrl-<version>.tar.gz.

Installation from an *.tar.gz file:

To install actys from a pre-built *.tar.gz, run the command sudo pip install <file>.tar.gz. You will need to first install the *.tar.gz of datastore, then install the *.tar.gz of ctrl.

Installation from source:

To install directly from the source code (skipping build steps) follow these steps:

  1. Download and extract the source code
  2. In the source code directory, go to datastore directory, run sudo python install
  3. In the source code directory, go to ctrl directory, run sudo python install

Removing actsys

To remove actsys from your machine run sudo pip uninstall ctrl. You will need to remove your configuration file manually.